Facebook Friday

Have You Ever Eaten These Survey

Sorry, missed a few weeks. Book edits and Bible Study have had me swamped. But here you go…as if anyone truly missed this except my cousin Patty :

A peanut butter and mayo sandwich?


A peanut butter, mayo, and dill pickle sandwich?


Cooked dandelions?

Who wrote this thing!

Raw cake batter?

Now you’re talking!

Uncooked spaghetti?

Always- crazy, but every time I cook it I have to eat at least two pieces.

Uncooked hamburger?

No, but at my cousins wedding who lived in Wisconsin they served it at her wedding reception. I was eight years old and officially scarred for life.


Love it and my precious friend Bubba Powers can cook venison tenderloin like nothing you have ever eaten. Melts in your mouth. One of my favorite things ever. However, I am completely against killing all Bambi’s. So I tell myself this is not Bambi…this is not Bambi…

Raw oysters?

Once at The Citadel Beach House when my brother was a cadet and I was at The College of Charleston. They had an oyster shuck. It was the grossest thing ever.

Cooked eel?

No way!

Snake meat?

Didn’t know snakes had meat…

Chicken gizzards?

No, I leave those to my mama.

Chocolate covered grasshopper?

Chocolate should never be wasted on a grasshopper.


If I can’t pronounce it I don’t eat it.

Frosting sandwich?

No, but I’ve licked many a bowl with my fingers.

Ketchup sandwich?

Only with potato chips on it!

Fried spam sandwich?

Oh, the childhood memories…right there with fried bologna.

A dog biscuit?

Okay- I love my girls but you’ve got to be kidding me.

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.