Facebook Friday

Growing Up In The 80s Survey

Merlin or Simon Says

Smurfs or He-man
Smurfs- the little blond girl

Strawberry shortcake or Barbie
Barbi because she had Ken

8 track or cassette
Had both actually- Kenny Rogers on 8 Track- loved it!

neon rubber bracelets or leg warmers
So leg warmers

side pony tail or fro
Side pony Tail
Tab or Rondo
Pepsi actually- I know shocker!

Summit or Twix

Spam or Treet

Duran Duran or Wham
Wham-Loved that first Wham video on MTV

belted t-shirt or leggings
bleted t-shirts

frosting colored lipstick or lip smackers
Lip smackers

mousetrap or clue

Gilligans Island reruns or Brady Bunch reruns

Atari or intellevision

Valley Girl or Preppy

Wax on or Wax off
Both- the Karate Kid was it!

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.