Directionless? Don’t have to be….

When I first moved to Nashville back almost 20 years ago! (Oh my word, I can’t believe i wrote that down)- a precious family took me under their wing. Dan and Joanne Miller opened their home to me, fed me, let me sleep over and simply helped my homesick heart find a resting place. They raised three amazing kids, and I watched as Dan took his dream and made it a reality.

There are days even in what I do that I am praying and asking God, “What is next?” “What do you want me to do with this idea?” “How could I ever make that happen?” And yet, knowing God is a creative God when he deposits seed, or creativity, or ideas in the soul of me I always try to pay attention. Some of them have come to fruition. Some of them haven’t.

I know this is a seemingly directionless season for many. But it doesn’t have to be. First, God will speak. His word may simply be, “Be still and know that I’m God.” Or He may have the paused button of life pushed for a season, but He is speaking. And He has given Dan Miller a beautiful gift to help people connect with their passions and God given design and then make a living doing it.

We all should be doing what we love. Everyone of us was created to do what we love. Check out Dan’s site, and hopefully it will encourage you, educate you and inspire you today- None of us are directionless…I assure you. God is a very purposeful God…

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.