Day Twenty Two

This is the last day of my first fruits fast. This past week has been like rich manna from you. Just so rich. And today! Well, today you just out did yourself….

Last Sunday I was listening to TD Jakes and I recorded what he said about Joshua and the walls of Jericho. And how Joshua was going to have to fight this battle different then he had fought battles in the past. I felt led to start that Monday to walk around our home each day and pray over it.

So I did – I missed a few days of actual walking because of my schedule – but I still “walked” as I prayed in my quiet time. Well, this morning I walked around my home seven times. And with each walk I prayed for a specific member of our family since there are seven of us. And as I walked and prayed for each one of us individually, you gave me some very specific things to pray. Things to break. Things to loose. And things to call out in faith.

And then…Oh then…I didn’t read my Two Listeners devotional before I prayed which I always do! Always! But I read it after. And this is what it said.

If Man Oppose

Only believe. The walls of Jericho fell down. Was it axes or human implements that brought them down? Rather the Songs of Praise of the people and My Thought carried out in action.

All walls shall fall before you, too. There is no earth-power. It falls like a house of paper, at My miracle-working touch. Your faith and My power — the only essentials. Nothing else is needed.

So, if Man’s petty opposition still holds good it is only because I choose to let it stand between you and what would be a mistake for you. If not — a word — a thought — from Me, and it is gone. The hearts of Kings are in My rule and governance. All men can be moved at My wish.

Rest in this certainty. Rely on Me.

“Be not afraid, only believe.” Mark 5:36

Wow! What else is there to say – but Wow! – You could not have put the final touches on these past twenty one days of fasting more sweetly than giving me this word. This is a promise to my heart. That in spite of what I may see. In spite of what I may feel. In spite of words that may be spoken, you have shattered the walls. They HAVE fallen. And you are working. Thank you Father for this sweet glimpse of your love for my heart and the heart of my family.

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.