Day Twenty One

You were full of your detailed love today.

Sophie was in dire need of a bath. I called the groomer and they could get her in exactly when I needed them to, to work with my schedule.

I had to drop a couple of the kids off and ended up having enough time to get dressed and ready without being rushed. I dropped off Sophie and went to the eye doctor to get my contact. Yep, I’m trying one contact to see if that will help these aging eyes not have to wear glasses all the time.

The lady said, “Now if you don’t get this in within 30 minutes we will have to try another day.”
My thought “There is no way I am poking around in my eye for 30 minutes.”
My prayer “Lord, please let me get this in on the first try.”
I get it in on the first try.
Lady, “I have done this since 1996 and no one has ever gotten it in on the first try.”

How cool is that!

Food during a fast can get boring. I have been doing the Daniel fast now for almost two weeks. No meat, no sweets, no bread. And after a while everything kind of tastes the same. But today, Joan and I get Packer and go to lunch at Loveless Cafe. It is delicious!

Then drop Packer off and go and pick up our new ministry letterhead and envelopes and business cards which is an exciting step for us! It was just so sweet.

We leave there and I call and Sophie is ready to be picked up. I mean in the exact time slot I have to go get her and not have to backtrack. It was just a perfect day. Every detail.

As I type out the beauty of this day and think about the word “timing” that Philly and I talked about tonight at dinner – I’m reminded again of finding my watch after having lost it for almost a decade, and knowing that had it been one day later I would have never seen that watch again and Tommy looking at me and saying “It’s time.”

And I realized that you were saying, “I know how to get to you what I want you to have and when to get it to you. I am never late.”

And you aren’t. And you weren’t in this day…May the ability to see you in the details be just as keen when this fast is over as it is today.

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.