Day Twelve

The past two days the reminder of first fruits has been keenly present. That is
what this fast is for. First fruits. Giving you the first part of my year.
Knowing that each year is a gift and being reminded of what Romans 11:16 says
that if the first part is given as holy then it will set the remainder as holy.

And that really is what you are after isn’t it? Me knowing that it is
yours. That my family is yours. My gift is yours. My time is yours. My finances
are yours. My body is yours. That ultimately anything I have is a gift from you.
And I saw as I read about Cain and Able yesterday the importance of it.

Able gave from the “first” of his flocks, it read. Cain gave of “some”
of his crops. Big difference. And they both garnered a much different reaction
from you.

Then as I read this morning in Luke 1 when Zechariah finally
regains his ability to speak after being silenced because of his doubt- that his
first words are a praise to you. First words. First fruits.

Father, what happens to me when I begin to think something is mine? I know it when it is
happening. I feel myself squeezing it tighter and tighter. Like I did this
morning over my time. My schedule was getting disrupted. My time was being
messed with. And so you gently remind me in your sweet way with these two
stories, none of it is mine. This life is a gift. You have given it. And in this
season of offering you the first fruits of my year, I thank you for the sweet
knowledge that you govern the whole.

And on the days that I forget it, like I did this morning with my toddler type tantrum, thank you that you remind me in such a loving and gracious way.

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.