Day Ten

Wow, typing down that number makes me realize this fast is not even halfway
over. Real spiritual huh? But yet, something truly spiritual, life giving
happened today. It came in an email early this morning from one of our sweet
ministry team leaders. It was a devotional. And it was as if you stopped the
world today just for me.

“Stop and discern.  Realize that you have stepped into a new spiritual flow.  You are leaving behind the chaos and difficulty of the past ten weeks, and you will now have greater freedom and clarity.  You will be able to deal more effectively with any trauma you
sustained in that period of transition.  I am releasing you into an anointing of
ease if you will receive it by faith, says the Lord.”

John 14:27
“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to
you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

It’s been ten weeks Father since that pretty painful moment that ensued right before
Thanksgiving. It put me in a really bad place. Causing me to have to fight
really hard for my heart in this season. And yet there is so much new on the
horizon. New books. New ministry visions. This new ministry launch event. The
Bible Study possibilities. So much of a new spiritual momentum. The
infrastructure is shored up – and now we go back to the other two parts of
Isaiah 54 and is it any wonder that the enemy fights so hard with feelings of

Something in this shores up my stakes. I receive this. I receive this in my faith reservoir place. And I am walking in it. I am walking in that peace today.

I am declaring and receiving both the freedom and the clarity. And I am stepping into the new spiritual flow that you have for me. Reveal it Father as you will. And I will hear it. I will look for it. I will walk in it. I will receive it.

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.