Day Fourteen

You spoke sweetly to me this morning as I was watching T.D. Jakes.

He talked about Joshua needing a strategy for Jericho. That this time it was different. This time it wasn’t about his ability to fight, but this time God had a strategy for him. That was when he told him how to walk around Jericho for 7 days and then on the final day walk around it 7 times and then let out a great shout.

He talked about how there are some situations in our life where we need strategy. And there are.
Philly and I need God appointed strategy. We need strategy with the hearts of our children. We need strategy in dealing with those who have wounded us. We need strategy with our businesses and the callings you have for us.

And so in this fast I am praying for that strategy Father. In fact- I feel you have spoken to me very specifically through this message. I’ve always been a peculiar one. So, this will probably just be the icing on the cake…poor Philly. But I am going to walk around my home each day for the final seven days of this fast – just asking for the walls around our children’s hearts to come down. For any walls around our hearts to come down. And believing for there to be a supernatural work done in each of us.

T.D. Jakes also said “God wants me to be excited about my destiny so I can endure the process that leads to the promise. So if I don’t have a vision of the promise then I will get discouraged.”
Basically, without a vision of the promise the process will kill you.

Thank you for the vision of what my family will be Father. The vision of their hands all back around our table as we get older. Father-I pray you keep it in the forefront of my mind. So I can hold on even on the days when it feels as if the process would kill me.

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.