Day Fifteen

My word for this year is courage. So when I was watching T.D. Jakes this morning and he was telling the story of Joshua and the walls of Jericho I paid extra close attention.

He talked about Joshua needing a strategy for Jericho. That this time it was different. This time it wasn’t about his ability to fight, but this time God had a strategy for him. That was when he told him how to walk around Jericho for 7 days and then on the final day walk around it 7 times and then let out a great shout.

He talked about how there are some situations in our life where we need strategy. And there are. We need strategy with the hearts of our children. We need strategy over how we manage our time. We need strategy for our marriage. We need strategy with our businesses and the callings you have for us. We need strategy over how to impact the hearts of those that don’t know you.

And as he spoke I felt like you were speaking to me. As crazy as it may sound I feel like I am to walk around my home starting tomorrow. As of tomorrow I will have seven days left to my fast. And we have some walls around here that need to fall.

With the revelation of this anger that has tried to settle in on me it is apparent I need strategy and I need a courageous spirit. So, here we go!

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.