Courage to Lead: Who is pouring into you?

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Each one of us is called to lead. Sometimes we don’t realize that. But we are. We are called to lead our own hearts, we are called to lead in some of the relationships that God has called us to, and some of us are called to lead visionally, on our teams, at our jobs, in our schools, on committees. We all are created to lead. And for each area of leadership there are things that will make us soar and things that will make us stumble.

Next to being an abider, the greatest opportunity that is created for a leader to soar is when you allow people of greater wisdom, like experience, and solid character enter your life as a voice of wisdom and direction.

The people I have encountered who continually hit a wall of lack in their personal lives, in their relationships and in their vision, are people who lack a teachable spirit. I know many people who are so closed off to any input into their lives that at the first push-back they cut off every bit of relationship. It is a dangerous, and sinful way in which to live.

Scripture tells us over and over the value of having wisdom speakers, counselors in our lives. They protect, they help guide, they help you unpack things you don’t understand, they support, they love.

God has given me through the years some wonderful mentors and counselors and shepherds for each individual stage and season and situation in my life. I have ministry mentors, bonus-mom mentors, and I allow my husband to lead our home and he graciously allows me the privilege of partnering with him.

Our willingness or lack there of to allow people who love us and know more than us and have deep relationship with The Lord and have something to offer us, have input into our lives will be one of the greatest weapons that allow us to soar or stumble.

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.