Courage to Lead: Are you driven or are you led?

Are you led or driven? It matters. It really does. Being led is something that is internal. Being driven is something that is external. Being led is about trusting God, knowing that He is bigger than you, more capable than you and loves you enough to give the best to you. Being driven is something we do. It is about thinking we have to control something, make something happen, even in some extremes manipulate things to happen.

Drive is not a bad thing. Even led people have to have drive, or they’ll just hear what they’re supposed to do and then not do anything. We have to have drive to implement things that we are called to. But driven is very different. Driven is a heart issue. Led is an abiding issue.

Steve Jobs was driven. And his drive brought great pain to many of the people who worked with him.

The question isn’t, “Well, didn’t Steve Jobs need to be that driven in order to accomplish what he accomplished?”

No, I think the question is, “What more would Steve Jobs have accomplished had he been led.” He searched his whole life for meaning. One of the most creative, probably genius minds of our generation, maybe even this century, died without never enjoying the freedom of being led.

There is a line in The Help that perpetually impacts me and is very true of driven people. Abilene looks at Hilly, as Hilly is trying yet once again to control the destiny of everyone’s life in her manipulative hands, and Abilene says, “Ain’t you tired Miss Hilly. Ain’t you tired.”

There is a such a peace in being led. That it is all up to our Father. Being driven will wear you out. I always say, “Father, all I need to know is what you’re asking me to do. Because I know if you are asking, then you have everything I need for what you’re calling me to.” It takes the pressure off of me!

So, I ask you yet again, are you driven or led. And I say once again, it really does matter.

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.