The Counselor
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Ever had a question you didn’t have the answer for? Ever needed guidance? Direction? Advice? If you say no, then you’ve got an issue that we would need a lot more time to deal with then these few words:) I’m trusting we all know there are times we have, times we do, and times we will….

One of the attributes of our Helper is that He is a counselor. In fact, that is why He is such a gift to us as we read scripture. Because He leads us into truth. He reveals truth. Counselor’s help reveal things we may not see. Understand things we may not have understood before. Learn how to apply things that we may know but don’t utilize.

It’s the “genius bar” at Apple. It takes all the things that can feel confusing, foggy or beyond our abilities, and break them down into ways our hearts and spirits can not simply understand, but begin to practice, utilize, implement. That is what a good Counselor does. They lead us to truth. They don’t do truth for us. They won’t open the Bible and force us to read. They won’t walk around being our mouthpiece for us so we don’t hurt or bruise others with our words. They won’t walk around controlling our facial expressions, so we don’t reveal when we’re impatient, or frustrated or angry. No, what our Counselor does is tug on our hearts to open the Bible. Then when we do it illuminates scripture so that we can understand it, see how it is needed in our own life, or how it applies to our story. It walks with us and tugs on us when we are about to say something unkind and whispers to our spirit, “think before you speak.” “if you say that great damage can be done.” It Counsels us.

“You are great in counsel and might in work, for Your eyes are open to all the ways of the sons of men, to give everyone according to his ways and according to the fruit of his doings.” Jeremiah 32:29 God is great in His counsel. And when we choose to walk in intimate relationship with Jesus, we get the benefit of it.

Our Counselor is available to us when we are trying to decide what college to attend. What person to marry. What job to take. What house to live in. What church to attend. How to handle that difficult relationship. How to make that big decision. How to trust God with the things that simply feel to big to trust Him with. He is there. Counseling. Leading. Guiding. Into all truth….What a gift.

Do you need counsel? You have one that has more wisdom than any earthly counselor you could ever employ. He is there right now wherever you are. And he is waiting for your question. I dare you to ask it….but be ready. He will answer

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.