Ever needed comfort? In the divorce? in the death? In the delay? In the lack? In the loneliness? In the loss? In the pain? In the process? In the persecution? In the accusation? In the alienation? In the altercation?
Life leaves marks. Scars. Tracks. It barrels in, often with the grace of a Monster Truck event and exits with the etiquette of an F-5 Tornado. It leaves debris in trees. Wounds in hearts. Gaping holes in spirits. “Life is hard, but God is good.” The song says. But sometimes you need more than simply to hear words like that. Sometimes you need big ole arms around your heaving frame. Sometimes you need words whispered in your ears that are peaceful and loving, when the voices in your head are brutal and accusing.
Thus, is the trait of the Helper, our Holy Spirit when He comforts. Have you ever noticed, that often in major catastrophes, 9/11, Columbine, the Space Shuttle Challenger, the Oklahoma City bombing, that the families that often rise to the fore-front, are those who have a deep faith in Jesus. And sitting in front of national news-casters, in the trenches of their pain, there is something supernaturally peaceful about them. That my friends, can only be found one place. In the Comforter.
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.” 2 Corinthians 1:4
I have always loved this verse. To me it reflects the excessive, abundant overflow of our Heavenly Father. His spirit is so rich and full that when it comforts us, we have enough to spare. How many times have I watched a grieving person, take the hand of another grieving person and offer them comfort while they themselves are grieving. Friends, that kind of comfort can only come from one place, the Spirit of our Father.
So, do you need comfort? Are you broken? Are you bleeding? Are you bruised? What you need is to fully accept and receive the comfort of the Holy Spirit. He understands. He knows. He comforts. And when you allow Him to do this for your heart, you will in return be able to do it for someone else’s.