The Architect & Me: Part #31 – Inside The Walls

You know those moments in life when you envision something and in your mind it is so beautiful, holy even. Then the moment arrives, and it looks nothing, I mean absolutely nothing, like you envisioned? This was one of those moments. I had so looked forward to this day. In my mind it was going […]

The Architect & Me: Part #30 – Over My Head

Philly’s list of items that matter to him has increased. What had initially only been the flooring now included the driveway and the roof. I had a feeling more would follow. Yet, the most pressing decision now to keep the house moving forward was the roof. The plywood covering was down. The synthetic underlayment was […]

The Architect & Me – Part 29: The Table

She looked at me with these caramel colored eyes. She had studied me from the time I had walked through the door. Kept her distance differently than the others. Now, here I sat across this strange table from her while I was trying to chew a piece of edamame because I thought it was sugar […]

The Architect & Me: Part #28 It Is Real

Denise Jones in healing spaces

The ding announced a message. I looked down to see the beginning of a house. A real, live house. My new neighbor, who had come with her husband to introduce themselves when we had gone to see the foundation, lives across the cove and has the perfect view of our lot. She wanted to let […]

The Architect & Me – Part 26: Foundation

When the image opened it took my breath slightly. Living hours away from where we are building, there’s a certain sadness in not getting to see the progress every day. (A builder’s dream, I’m sure.) So, our builder sends us pictures. Today the email was labeled “progress.” My heart rate increased. I pressed “download” and […]

The Architect & Me – Part 25: The Willow Tree

The first piece of dirt had been moved. It was a Southern Georgia January. But our lot is on the point, so the chill was a little biting. My pulse began to quicken as we got closer. As you pull onto our street, our lot is at the end of the cul-de-sac, out on the […]

The Architect & Me – Part 24: Bathrooms

You wouldn’t think a bathroom would be so stressful. To date, even though not one speck of soil has been moved on our lot, nothing has stressed me out more than the bathrooms. When building a house, you have to think from the inside out. You don’t start with the paint color (though in full […]

The Architect & Me – Part 23: Just A Little Coffee Table Book

It was my friend, Janet. She and her husband, Ken, my counselor, now ministry partner and board member, had just moved in up the street. We stopped by to see how they were doing and brought a housewarming gift and got the tour. We oohed and ahhed over their love of antiques as we heard […]

The Architect & Me – Part 22: Holding the Vision

I’ve watched sketches come across on my computer for a couple of months. But, today, the final plans came. Every window. Every door. Every gutter. Every shingle. Every piece of stone. Every angle of the roof, all drawn out in architectural drawings. I sent them to FedEx to be printed and drove way too fast […]