Once a week every summer, my three nieces get their “Aunt Niecy” experience. This summer was no different. But boy

I had the blow-out surprise and moved into the top spot, above Aunt JuJu and Aunt Sarah. Just in case either of them were wondering:)
When my brother and sister-in-law dropped them off to me in Augusta, where I had been for a wedding, we headed to Atlanta, where we met my sweet friends Susan and Sharon Kennedy for a wonderful afternoon at The Atlanta Aquarium. Oh my…I have never liked Aquariums. A bunch of fish swimming around has never been my idea of a good time. But this place was amazing. Nestled across the grassy knoll from my favorite Atlanta Hot Spot- The Coca-Cola Museum, was the Aquarium.

I got them home to Nashville late in the evening and Abigail, the little one, said, “My word, that was a long trip!” She wasn’t lying, with the stop at the Aquarium, lunch with Susan and stop at the outlet mall, it was a long day.
But Tuesday night I had their “big” surprise. It was the whole reason we scheduled this trip at this time. One week before Bible Study! So, Tuesday night, I take them downtown Nashville, thinking I’m going to sneak them to their “surprise” by driving behind the Coliseum. Little did I know that there would be thousands of littles girls behind the Coliseum screaming with signs. Hannah said, “Are we going to see the Jonas Brothers?”
I said, “How did you know that?”
She looked at me oddly, “Aunt Niecy, that girl’s sign said, ‘I love the Jonas Brothers!'”
So, yeah, I completely shot myself in the foot. It wasn’t like that at the Donny Osmond Concert! But boy were they excited! I mean smiles stretched for miles. We got in the coliseum, with their new Jonas Brother’s t-shirts donned by Abigail and Lauren.

My best friend Deneen ended up having five empty seats next to her, (far better than the ones I purchased the day the tickets came on sale and she got hers three weeks ago!) Probably the only 5 free seats in the Coliseum. So we moved over by her and for the next two hours I listened to little girls scream. And I don’t mean for a moment. I mean for two solid hours! I don’t know one song those boys sang. Couldn’t understand one word, but I am officially deaf.
Deneen ended up coming down with a fever and I took home the five kids (Deneen’s son Andrew and his friend Jeremiah) who were slap happy by the time we hit the car and I left at that crew all the way home.
Thursday night they got their Aunt Niecy and Uncle DD and Aunt Sarah on rollerskates. It’s the first time I’ve done that in probably 17 years. But it was like riding a bike. Aunt Niecy rocked! We even did the Hokey Pokey! Yeah, I said, it, the Hokey Pokey!

On Friday it was payback time. They had to help me put together our workbooks for Bible Study. Abigail said, “Are we through yet!” Hannah said, “We owe Aunt Niecy big time for taking us to the Jonas Brothers!” I wasn’t going to correct her, because I needed their help too bad.

On Saturday my brother Darren and his wife got to join us for the weekend and brought my little nephew Jake. We took the afternoon to go to the zoo. First time I’ve ever been to the Nashville Zoo and I’ve lived here almost 18 years! Crazy

This is our version of being behind bars. As close as I ever plan on getting….
On Sunday we headed out to church and I had to hug my babies bye. I hope they enjoyed the week and time with me as much as I did them. As quickly as they grow you have to take advantage of the time you get. And it was all priceless to me…