Abiding….week six

John 15:7 ” If you abide in me and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire and it shall be done for you.” I grew up a preacher’s kid. Because of that, the things that my dad had access to, so did I. That meant I had unlimited access to the church. I could go whenever I wanted to. Some of my best memories are housed inside the walls of the different churches my dad pastored in through the years. I had some of the best games of hide and seek inside those places. I would go and spend hours on end singing, playing the piano, performing concerts for invisible audiences. Some of my best lessons were taught inside those walls. Some of my fondest “office” memories were there as well, sitting behind secretary’s desks, or my dad’s desk pretending I directed large corporations. It was mine. Why? Because it was his.

You may have similar memories. The farm your dad owned. The office your dad worked at. The house your mom ran. It was yours. Because it was theirs. Thus, is one of the most beautiful gifts of relationship with our Heavenly Father. When we abide in relationship with Him, and His words abide in us, producing a life of fruit that makes that evident, then what is His is ours. We have access to all the wisdom, direction, riches….fruit of His kingdom.

For those who aren’t in relationship with Christ they see this as their “Santa Claus” sentence. So, when they give their outlandish requests and God aka Santa doesn’t come through, they say, “See, I told you. It’s all a ruse.”

But for those in relationship we have learned that abiding in Christ and His truth abiding in us creates inside of us a depth of relationship where our desires become His desires for us.

Just this morning I was praying through a new vision I feel The Lord has given me. It’s one that I can’t get away from, but one that requires outlandish resources that I don’t have, and in the natural have no way of knowing how it could ever happen. But yet, I can’t seem to get away from it. So, I took it to Him in prayer. I brought it before Him, asking that if it is His will that I am confident He will make a way.

Abiding brings our heart to a place of asking with at times, undeniable faith that He will do it, has promised it and it will happen. And other times abiding means asking with open hands. Hands that believe He has deposited something, but are okay if He changes the picture.

There is nothing I can’t ask of my earthly father. Nothing. And the same is true with my Heavenly Father. The abiding piece of relationship however, brings us to a place of knowing that Father knows best. So we ask differently. Expectantly, but open handedly.

There are things that I know are God’s will. “As for me and my house we will serve The Lord.” I know this. So, I pray in faith believing and asking that not one piece of my children’s destiny will be missed.

There are other things that I believe God has placed inside of me, but I know I might not have the full revelation of what it will all look like. So, I come to Him asking for the wisdom, the direction, the discernment. Knowing that His word says, “Righteousness goes before Him and makes His footsteps my pathway.” If I keep my heart right before Him, then I can rest assured that He will show me exactly what I am to do next.

Your Father has opened up unfettered access to Him and His “office.” Are you living in a way in which you can access it?

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.