Abiding……week five

As I continue to ponder the fact that we can do nothing apart from Christ. I am struck by His words that go even deeper in to John 15, “Anyone who does not remain in me is thrown away like a useless branch and withers. Such branches are gathered into a pile to be burned.” As these words fall on my heart they feel more Old Testament than new. But yet it begs the question. What do you do with things that are useless? Well, I get rid of them. The burned out toaster. The old shower curtain. The broken pieces of legos. I toss them as quick as I can. Clutter doesn’t go with a simple, enjoyed life. Clutter goes on the trash heap. And that is what a life is ultimately that is not connected to Christ. It is useless.

Now, maybe you know those who aren’t grafted into the heart of Jesus that do things that are good, of seeming value. But nothing that is done apart from Christ lasts. That is the ultimate meaning. God is after things that have eternal value, because it is those things alone that bring Him glory. And we know that is what Jesus desired. He desired for His Father in heaven to be glorified.

He says “but…” I love that word in scripture. It negates what has come before, or either offers such great hope. “but, if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted! When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples. This brings great glory to my Father.”

So, if producing fruit is a sign that we are God’s disciples, that our hearts are connected to His, that we have made Him Lord of our life and our hearts, then it makes it understandable that those who aren’t producing fruit, those who aren’t connected to His heart aren’t His disciples.

Our culture has convinced us of a “works” spirituality. That if we support this cause, give to this mission, spend the summer working for this organization, that are doing good things, feeding the poor, housing the homeless, creating relief for those who need it most, is somehow the definer of relationship to something bigger, greater, that will ultimately reward us in the end. And that would be true if we were weighed on the scales of our good intentions, or our hard work. And though God honors the work of our hands, any work done separate of relationship with Him, while still good, noble, honorable, is not Holy. It isn’t what grafts us into the vine. And the only way to not be thrown away is by being grafted, by being in relationship with Jesus Christ.

As you spend this week contemplating this passage, ask yourself, “When this life is over and my life is measured for its worth, will people know me because I did a lot of good works, or will they know me because I loved Jesus.” Loving Jesus, allowing Him to be the end all and be all of our existence creates in it a life that serves, loves, leads and obeys. And at the end of the day it is that relationship alone that will determine the very course of our destiny.

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.