Abiding….week two

John 15

Abide…it means to dwell. That is what most of us did in our parent’s home. We dwelt there. Our character was shaped there. Our benefits or discipline came from there. Our hearts were impacted there. So, it is when we abide or dwell in relationship with our Heavenly Father. Yet, this relationship is often much different from some of our earthly relationships. Because this comes from a perfect place. A perfect Father. A perfect love.

The first thing in this passage that is talked about as a benefit of abiding is pruning. Interesting isn’t it. That the first thing mentioned in this beautiful gift of relationship that we have been invited into is that sometimes things will hurt. Sometimes things will be cut off, trimmed away and that process in regards to our hearts and our own story is rarely painless. However, it is describing something beautiful.

“…and He prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more.” We know by this passage that pruning doesn’t happen separate of relationship and a fruit producing life. I don’t make it a habit of disciplining other people’s children. Remember, last week, God clearly says if we aren’t bearing fruit we are simply cut off. He will tarry with us for a while, but eventually, if we refuse to bend our will or our hearts to this faithful Gardener, He won’t contend with us forever. He will, frighteningly so, hand us over to ourselves.

But those He prunes, oh how He loves. He only does it to those bearing fruit. Those who are dwelling. Those who are enjoying relationship with Him. And He does it for the  soul purpose of creating more fruit in our lives. He prunes back on those areas of our heart that could impede more fruit. Our selfishness. Our pride. Our fear. Our anger. Our critical tongue. He tugs on our hearts. Allows situations that are uncomfortable, exposing if necessary, to deal with the heart issues that could lead to stunted fruit. He is after something healthy, something holy. And so in that detailed and yet often gentle hand of our Father, He prunes away at that which might prevent growth in order to bring about greater growth.

He will woo us with His pruning first. But if that doesn’t work, He loves us enough to push us to that place as well. Friends, how is God wooing your heart today? What is He asking you to let go of? Walk away from? Trust Him more with? He hasn’t come to harm you. Remember, “He works all things together for the good of those that love Him and are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28 In other words, “For those abiders, wow, I’ve got good stuff! I am working out a big ole plan.”

Yield your heart to His hand. The by-product is beautiful. More fruit. More fruit available for hungry, searching hearts to pick from.

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.