A Whole New World

Oh my…how my days have changed. Used to Saturday mornings were spent heading out in my PJ’s to McDonald’s for a Coca-cola fix. Crawling back in the bed and catching up on the shows I hadn’t seen through the week. Then working for a couple hours, catching a movie with a friend and dinner and then heading home to bed. Ain’t so much that way anymore!

Two weekends ago Saturday morning consisted of four different breakfasts. One wants 4 waffles- count them 4. The other wants Rice Krispies, the other wants Fruity Pebbles- the other wants her special breakfast which consists of 11 mini pancakes- and do not think you’ll get away with 10- cool whip and strawberries. The fifth doesn’t want you to wake her up for breakfast. Then I sneak out- still in my PJ’s to get me a coke. I come back – make me some breakfast too-

Then it is drop off friends who spent the night. Drop one off at her birthday part- then drop off another at her birthday party- where we forgot socks and she was at the bowling alley! Fortunately they now sell socks in a vending machine. Then we had to get baseball pictures. I took the girls to the movies. Came home fixed dinner, fixed dessert, took showers, read a chapter in “Fairy Tales” to Holland. Kissed Ebby goodnight. Read a chapter of “Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing” to the youngest. Kissed our boy good night. Patted our oldest on the head as I left her on the couch, because she stays up past the adults. And crawled into bed with nothing but a peck on Philly’s cheek.

As this past weekend came to an end, and the transitional difficulties are still looming large and fast, I found me my new familiar spot I am carving out with me and my Father. I have a new walking trail that goes through the foyer and through the family room. I was in a moment of self-pity over the fact that I’ve cooked every recipe in my arsenal and still haven’t found one they all like, and I was just plumb pooped. By Monday morning’s sister is doing all she can to keep her eyes opened. But I started quoting scripture. And Philippians 4:19 came to mind. “God will supply all of my needs according to his riches in Christ Jesus.”

All I could think this past Monday was all the needs that I so desperately have. My needs for wisdom, and patience, my needs to not take the remarks about my lasagna by a ten year old personal. My need for understanding and discernment. My needs are endless. But for the first time ever I grasped a hold of the last part of that verse. “According to His riches in Christ Jesus.” My supply for everything I have need of comes from the “riches of Christ Jesus!” Oh my…as one of our girls would say.

I’ve never seen it that way before. Jesus has endless riches. He is overflowing in riches, and I am overflowing in need. And my supply doesn’t come from a half apt source. It comes from the Creator of heaven and earth who has all the riches of heaven at his disposal. And He is willing to dispose them on me. I will be quoting that verse numerous times this week as this is our first family vacation. While we visit grandparents, see movies, and go to six flags with a thousand other families and wait in the brutal sun, I’m sure there is an element of God’s riches I’m going to need. But the beautiful thing is they are so available.

I don’t have any idea what you need this week…peace, self-control,dependent upon Him. His tool for me in this season of life is five kids…I don’t know what His is for you. But in that season of perpetual need, He graciously comes with endless supply. patience, hope, passion…but God has it. An endless and rich supply of it. But you have to ask for it. Because asking proves we realize our need. And until we realize our need we will have no need for Him. God has a way of keeping us perpetually

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.