A Blog worth reading…

About two and a half years ago I had the privilege of meeting a beautiful young woman named Brittany. Our hearts connected, and through the last couple of years, I have been able to learn more of her story and discover the incredible heart of a woman who longs for the deep things of God. She just started a new blog and one of her posts last week was about the closing altar service at our VBS last Wednesday night. The story so moved me as did the beautiful way she wrote it. She is a talented young writer but an even more extraordinary woman.

May I introduce you to Brittany Dalton. Here is an excerpt from her blog:

Come, Come Come!

As the heads were bowed, I imagined streams of twirling light spilling from their hearts and flickering upward. It was the light from the finally surrendered hearts reopening the connection between God and His daughters. If you were quiet, you could hear unsynchronized sniffles as their tears welled and fell to the floor, as the brokenness was felt and handed back to the One who cares. It was a night of deliverance-or maybe just a night of awakening. Either way, redemption was at work.

This current of the Kingdom flowed past us all and I was thrilled to know so many left their conditions and jumped in. Despite circumstances, pasts, presents or futures, Jesus is always inviting us to His agenda of restoration. To see the light switch on for so many women, to see them give up the idea of Jesus they had made up in their head, to be vulnerable and willing to understand who He truly is and how we are who the Lord truly desires-A gift. I love that about this Jesus. And I love that there is room for someone like me in something so perfect. I love that it isn’t enabling and it’s not condemning. It’s an invitation, we all have the opportunity to decline; the Lord beckons, He never pushes or forces. “Come, come, come!” I want to say, “If you do this, and you do it whole heartedly, you will never be the same. You cannot even fathom what He can do with a life devoted to Him.”

You can read more of Brittany’s writings at http://myblissful.blogspot.com/
Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.