Quiet Moments

It’s no surprise that in this pre-season (yes, I so have football on the brain-Gamecocks play their first on September 2nd in case you were wondering…) prior to my time of rest, which does not begin until I turn my two books in on August 31st, that my entire devotion this month has been on rest. Now granted rest means only from my normal work, because it is the beginning of cross country season for two of our girls, football season for Philly and Furman, new tumbling classes for two of our girls and acting for another. So, rest is a completely subjective word at this point, but for me it means a season of simply focusing on our children.

So, when I was reading I Kings last week and studying the life of Elijah, I was reminded something about quiet moments. That is where God is found and his voice is heard. Elijah is a prophet. Which isn’t the best occupation at the time because prophets are being snuffed out right and left by Queen Jezebel. (And you thought that was just a ficticious name I wrote about in Savannah from Savannah) He’s dealing with people who can’t make up their mind whether they are going to serve God or not, and he has just had this incredible moment where God has shown up and proven to the entire people of his nation that He is the God of heaven. I mean fire coming down from heaven and everything. And then Jezebel threatens him personally. She says, “May the gods deal with me, be it ever so severly, if by this time tomorrow I do not make your life like that of one of them.” (meaning the already dead prophets.)

And Elijah is scared. So scared he runs and hides. Now think about. Right before this he has just seen God move in an extraordinary way just like he has asked. And yet, because he’s tired, he loses all perspective and forgets how big his God is when Jezebel comes to him with this threat. And he runs. And he doesn’t just run. I mean he asks for his life to be taken. He forgets his value. “I’m no better than my ancestors.” He says. And then we’re told, he lays down and falls asleep. Poor baby is pooped. He just needs rest.

And in his need God is already there. Do you know what God does here that is so beautiful? He feeds him. I mean he takes care of his physical need. And when his physical need is taken care of then he takes him into his spiritual need and God reveals himself to him. “Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.” It was in that gentle whisper that God was heard.

How much is this like our life. God can show up in such extraordinary ways. We can have seasons where we have seen him do the impossible. Blow our minds kind of stuff! And then, because we’re tired, a moment of fear, or doubt, or question can cause us to lose all perspective and desire even to die.

For over two years I have poured out extensively. I’ve written three books, written and taught three Bible Studies, kept up two blogs and done three VBS for women, moved, lost my Maggie, got married to an amazing man and became the bonus mom to five extraordinary bonus children. And in the middle of all of that I have seen God move in unbelievable and awe inspiring ways. I’ve tasted of Him and He is so good. But I’m pooped. And in being pooped there have been extreme moments of fear. Like right before that door opens on a Wednesday night and five little lives invade my world. And in my moments of fear I retreat to my closet and words like “I’m not cut out for this.” “Are you sure you picked the right girl?” “Are you really that big?” And in the middle of those fears and my weariness God has been meeting my immediate needs. Like this weekend, he gave me and Philly a weekend with nothing to do but rest. I slept one morning until nine am (which I never do) and took a nap yesterday. And today I feel better.

But what I’m most excited about is the gentle whispers I’m going to hear in this new season. When my soul is quiet. Do you know that is what God is really after. He is really after us quieting our soul so we can hear Him. We can hear Him even during the hurricanes of life when we will quiet our soul. But it’s also okay to admit when you need rest. In fact, it is humbling. Because you realize, “Yeah, life can really move on without me involved in all of its details. God really is that big.”

I’m sure I’ll let you know some of things He whispers to me during this season. And I’d love to know what he whispers to you….

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.