I have a Gerber Daisy sitting in a vase by my kitchen sink. It’s in there with a forever rose that one of our little girls picked me. The gerber daisy is the first flower I’ve ever been able to leave church with on Mother’s day. I remember one mother’s day them asking me at the door if I was a mother. I wanted to say, “You have no idea all the things I’ve birthed lady!”

I will say that this mother’s day was different. I got a mother’s day card from my husband. I got all kinds’ of texts from my friends and cards too and even a wish from one of our kids. (this is all new to all of us.) So, it has been a different mother’s day in so many ways.

But the neat thing about this Mother’s Day is that they gave flowers to all the ladies. As I’ve thought it always should be. Because ladies were created to birth things. So, happy belated mother’s day to all of my women friends. I celebrate the vision you’ve birthed. I celebrate the ideas you’ve birthed. I celebrate the friendships you’ve birthed. I celebrate the children you’ve birthed both spiritual and biological. And I celebrate the fact that you were designed to give birth.

May this be a year that we realize that privilege. If you haven’t birthed something in a while it’s time. It is what we were created for. And to do or be any less is to be less than our original intent. Life is different today but it is still very much the same. I’m a woman who doesn’t know how to quit birthing things. This summer it will be our 2nd annual VBS for Women. A new book. And hopefully I’ll help birth some new vision and laughter and life into five little hearts. And maybe ignite some in yours along the way…here’s to women. Here’s to you…

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.