Wednesday with a Writer

It was great hanging out with my friend Rene last week. We’re going to share some more this week with her. And get to some fun stuff!

Rene, Never the Bride is all about the main character’s qeust to find a husband. Mind sharing with us how you met yours. 6a010534b00dde970b01156fe5efb7970c-120wi2

We met at church. He was the worship leader and I worked as the director of drama. I love telling this story. I’d to down to the altar every Friday night during the single’s service and pray, pray, pray for a husband. Turns out he was five feet away at the piano! I had no idea!
Fun questions:
renehome1Worse bridesmaid’s dress you ever had to wear: It was too loose up top, if you know what I mean. And this was particularly disastrous because it was strapless. So you can imagine how frightened I was to walk!
Worst wedding cake you ever ate: Well, I think that would be my own. I had picked out a beautiful cake and the day of my wedding I go to the reception and it’s not my cake. It was nice and all, but it wasn’t the cake I had spent hours deciding on!
Worse song you’ve ever heard sung at a wedding: Can’t remember the song, but the dude was off key for all of it!
Funniest thing you ever saw at a wedding: This would be at my own…my future husband and his groomsmen were waiting in the back room for everything to start, quoting scenes from The Princess Bride. When it came time for the ring part in our wedding, my husband, who was speaking very loudly and clearly, accidentally said, “With this WING I thee WED.” He has never lived that down.
Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.