2017 Next Experience Graduation

I bet you don’t know what a noop is.

Trust me, it’s nothing bad. Promise.

And, contrary to popular belief, “mumblepeg” is NOT a peg-legged mumbler.

You know those experiences you have, that if you were to try and describe them to someone else, you’d have to tag on the end of your story, “You just had to be there…”?

Those are exactly the six words I’d use to sum up our time celebrating our first three graduates of the Next Experience:

You just had to be there.

I could list off all we did…dinner, games, movies, conversation, an overnight stay in one of Franklin, Tennessee’s beautiful historic homes, and an incredibly sacred, emotional ceremony honoring the growth of these three mighty young women of God…

…but that description would do no justice to the depth of memories and relationships that have been created during out past nine months together.

Ire, Madi G., and Madi M., the three of you will forever hold a special place in my heart. What a privilege I count it to have begun what I hope will be a lifelong journey of walking with you.

–Trisha <3

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.