When I was in Virginia back in March, a beautiful woman named Sharon Thomas hosted me. A powerful Bible teacher, she shared with me something that she had created for the women of her city two summers ago, a VBS for women. I was looking for something to bring our Bible Study ladies back together over the summer and my heart leaped when she shared this idea. What I didn’t know is that it would be the most fulfilling ministry I have been privileged to do since I began twelve years ago.
I wanted to share with you in pictures some of the wonderful experiences that had together. The event was presented by The Whole Woman Revolution, an organization I began in January to bring women desiring wholeness together. And this was the first VBS presented to our city of Nashville. Noticed I said, first. Because we will be doing this again next year, no doubt!
The event was all about the Bible- realizing who it says we are, renewing our mind with it, and learning how God has a race for us to run. Our theme verse was I Corinthians 9:24-27.
Our first evening began with what else but our skits- Each evening our fearless “boot camp” team, cracked us up with their antics and poor Henrietta (aka my brother Damon- needs a butt lift for sure!
(Poor Henrietta thinks she’s having a heart attack while her trainer “Rocky’s mama” pulls out the red leotard!)
(Henrietta can’t give up her vices on Tuesday night…even though Dr. Asa is in the house- but at least she’s got work out clothes on tonight)
(Henrietta and Francine decide they’re going to box each other…even though they each only have one boxing glove…oops)
Our first evening continued with some wonderful music by Kim Hill. She did her Helen Reddy and Cher impersonations and then she led us into the presence of the Lord.
She was followed by the amazing Mary Kay Beard, founder of Project Angel Tree. She made us laugh, as she told about her life as a “safe cracker” leading her to be on the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted list. A list she said that not many try to get on! She also amazed us with all that Project Angel Tree has accomplished since its inception, granting the wishes of children whose parent’s are incarcerated every year.
Throughout each evening our hostess with the mostess and my sister-in-law Sarah Goude kept the party moving. She didn’t let any one get away with anything and she kept us laughing and smiling and you never knew when she might come down in the audience and call on you!
Our ladies working on Monday's craft
And of course with VBS there are always crafts! I think some of the women were nervous at first, when we said there would be crafts. But as each evenings craft revealed our them
e for the evening, I think we all got excited about it. And truth be told they loved it!
And we added our own special touch, door prizes! What is a group of women getting together without door prizes. And boy these girls were serious! As were our how they had to win them. Everything from the most buttons on your shirt to a book in your purse! (I should have won that one…)
The sticker under the seat had the women tearing up the place!And of course-Who has the highest pair of heels! Stephanie won-for having hairspray in her purse! She says she never has hairspray in her purse- Yeah right!Each night the big prize went to the 1st lady in the door. Miss Vicki won this one worth over $150.00!
That first evening the lesson was on our heart- Does God have it? I used a bowl asan illustration for our hearts and how we try to fill it with all different kinds of things. Sometimes we just keep our stuff. Sometimes we try to pour God onto our stuff.
But God wants all of us. And not only does He want all of us but He wants us to be in the middle of what He is doing, not making our plans and then asking Him to get involved. But finding our where He is moving and getting right smack dab in the middle of it.
Monday night ended with the most beautiful times of prayer I’ve ever been a part of, ending with eight women giving their lives to Christ and multiple others finally getting the junk out of their hearts and surrendering all that they are.
Our challenge as they left that evening was to “bring a friend” the next night. Remember, VBS always has challenges too! So, Tuesday evening we had over 300 ladies that came into the house.
And our girls from Mending Hearts and Leaving the Cocoon won for their team. Bringing 15 friends for their group! One of the team members holds their gifts. Each woman received a CD of some of the best music out there…Everything from Mandesa to Casting Crowns!
Tuesday night Health and Lifestyle Coach and best-selling author of Empowering Your Health, Dr. Asa Andrew shared a powerful message with our ladies.
After he spoke we took some Q&A from the audience. I asked one question for myself. “So, how bad are Cokes for you?” I so didn’t want to hear the answer…
Fortunately I got him back talking about panty hose!
Tuesday and Wednesday night, my new friend and icon to Christian music, Stephanie Boosahda led us into the presence of the Lord. Her beautiful voice and even more beautiful spirit had us worshipping the Lord and just filled the house with praise.
As our lesson got underway Tuesday night it was about how the battle of our flesh is won in our mind. And most of that begins with our value. Me and Miss Shirley Samples did an illustration with a 20
dollar bill.
Wednesday night ended things with one of the most powerful moments of the three evenings.
Our version of Cardboard Testimonies. 10 women shared where they had been and then what God had made them now. Everything from rape victims, to anorexics, to homosexuals, to imprisoned. And now they are women who are healed in their body, minds and spirits. And as their “now” testimony came up on the screen for all of the audience to see, they turned around with their faces beaming! You ought to have heard the cheers!
Our final evening closed with a lesson titled Are you running your race? The presence of the Lord came down in such a beautiful way with the illustration of how we are being cheered on by a great crowd of witnesses…
We experienced everything those three evenings…laughter..
We experienced worship…with Tina Keil and Damon.
We memorized the Bible and recited it for our challenge…
We took notes so we could remember what we learned.
And when it was over there were hugs all around!
And none of it would have happened without this incredible team!
I was humbled by how they so lovingly served. Many worked with me for months making all of this a possibility. Together we took this VBS all the way to the finish line!
I was so grateful that my mom and my brother shared this entire adventure with me…I wouldn’t have wanted to do this without her here and without Damon in a dress!
As the VBS came to a close, I knew we had started something that was life transforming. I also realized that it can be duplicated in any city. Even your city…If you want information on how to get a VBS for Women to your community next summer e-mail us at revolution.denisehildreth.com. We shouldn’t be the only ones having all the fun!
Hi, I’m Denise!
I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.