Fear Not

The key message in the Christmas story seems to be the same…”fear not.” Life as you know it is about to change in a major way, I’m going to be in the middle of all of it, so I’m asking you not to fear what any normal person would be scared to death of. The angel told it to Mary. God told it to Joseph and the angels heralded it to the shepherds. “Do not be afraid.”

Easier said than done at times isn’t it. I know because this weekend I was freaking out. I mean I was looking for the eject button and the road to mama’s house. And inside of every fiber of my being was fear. It surged. It clung. It whispered. And at moments it paralyzed.

Fear is a dangerous companion. It causes us to act crazy and maneuver in a way of self-preservation. And it is in no way of God. I have encountered people recently who have been so propelled by fear that their every move is desperate. And that is what fear does. It causes us to respond desperately.

Fear had been a huge motivator for me for years. I lived so much of my life afraid of what people thought, afraid of how people would respond to me, afraid of the dark (Okay- that was a long time ago…but still.) And the only thing fear ever served me with was more desperation.

During my divorce I began to ask myself a question. Whenever I was about to make a big decision I would always ask, “What is my motivator here?” And if it was fear, or insecurity or anger I would stop and then say, “Okay Lord, how do you want me to respond.” It
was in that simple way of changing an old pattern of behavior that my life has had amazing breakthroughs. However, fear will come around again. And he did. This weekend.

It wasn’t until Sunday night when me and Philly were tucking in the baby of our little ones and she was having some fear. So, I asked her if she wanted me to lay down with her. And she did. I was curled up next to this little “bonus daughter” of mine and had my arms wrapped around her and heard my Father whisper so sweetly to my heart, “This is how I’ve had you the past two days. Right here in my arms.”

And He does you know. He’s got you. He’s got you in your singleness. He’s got you in your fears. He’s got you in your frustrations. He’s got you in your financial crisis. He’s got you in your moment right before your miracle is about to come. Because I’ve learned that very often, right before big things are about to happen, the enemy of our soul unleashes all hell. Granted PMS is his friend…but it makes it no less true.

On the cusp of earth’s greatest miracle…the Savior of the world, the message needed to be repeated to each heart…Do Not Be Afraid. This Christmas season may we stop the desperate attempt for control…it is an illusion. May we stop the endless flailing, it just keeps out of the water longer. And may we stop the maneuvering, because it might cause us to miss a Christmas miracle.

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.