Vision Ignites Vision

I sat around a table last night with nine amazing women. Each heart pregnant with vision. About six months ago I began to ask the Lord to bring women in my life who had ministry leadership callings that I could pour into. And I began to watch as He did just that. And then, my precious friend Tina had a vision to bring people like that together. A vision I didn’t have to coordinate!

As we sat there eating this amazing meal and laughing and gabbing ninety-miles a minute, impersonating our favorite lines from “Diary of a Mad Black Woman” there was an instant connection in our hearts. But as we each went around the room and shared the vision God has placed in the soul of us our hearts leaped inside of us. Just like John the Baptist leaped in Elizabeth’s womb when Mary hugged her.

Vision ignites vision. It just does. And without it, we die. Without something in the soul of us longing to be birthed, and come to life, then we have nothing worth living for. That is why it is so important to surround ourselves with people of vision. Because vision breeds vision.

It might have been a long time since you’ve dreamed anything. Maybe had one and it didn’t happen like your picture. Or maybe you had one and you wouldn’t let it develop fully and in your impatience it was aborted. Or maybe you just never thought God could actually have a dream for you. Oh my sweet friends, He so does. He placed that creative dreamer inside each of us. And he wants us to let go of our picture, trust Him with His perfect timing and trust Him that He gives good gifts to His children.

If you haven’t dreamed in a while ask God to bring dreamers into your life. People with Big Hairy Audacious Goals. And I am certain that when He does, your very womb will leap!

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.