Don’t Rush

One of my sweet friends sent me a note last Monday after reading about my watch. He said, “I know God is going to reveal even more to you through finding your watch. And he was so right. As the week has gone on I’ve shared that story about half a dozen times with friends. Each one, the same look of shock has crossed their face. And almost every one has gotten something different from it.

One friend looked at me as I had shared with him all the purging I had been doing leading up to that week that the first thing he thought of when I told him I had found the watch was, “It’s time. That everything you just did, it was time for that. And it was. The deep severing in my heart of old ties that God did through that whole house cleaning and garage sale experience, was stamped by my sweet Father that “it was time.”

The other thought came from my mom. She said, “You know I thought how God is never late. His time isn’t ours, but He will restore to us in His perfect time.” Isn’t that the truth. He never has been one to operate on my time schedule. But He sure is faithful to always show up. And at just the right time. Because a week later and that suit would have been out of my site forever.

The other thing the Lord to revealed to me personally was He will not let me miss Him. When my heart is to serve Him and to please Him and to have relationship with Him, He will place Himself right in my path where I can’t miss Him.

I’m not sure what you may need to purge. Maybe it’s old memories. Maybe it’s old ways of thinking. Maybe it’s a relationship God isn’t in, or a dream God didn’t plant. Well, it’s time. In order to get to the next place sometimes we have to be willing to let go of the previous place. To sever all ties and step into the new things God has for us.

Maybe some of you thought God had forgotten. You’ve’ waited a long time. Placed some dreams on shelves, some hopes on hold, and your hearts been sick. Trust me, God is never late. And He is faithful to show up at just the perfect moment.

Or maybe you thought you might miss Him. Even though your prayer, pounding, desperately tugging at His hem, you’ve thought He might let you miss Him. He won’t. He will make sure you find what He desires for you to have.

Faith is an interesting commodity. It holds with in it the very ability to set our hearts free, while at the same time shackling them to our Father. What I’ve learned is He’s a pretty good partner. And He’s never late. I never dreamed I’d have to wait 10 years to get my watch back. But I can tell you this. What He has shown to me through that one little act, is far greater 10 years later than if I had found it 10 days later. And it was worth every waiting moment to see Him the way He has allowed me to through this.

Don’t rush Him. Because you might miss something amazing….

Denise Jones Reclaiming Hearts

Hi, I’m Denise!

I love Jesus, my family and friends, my sweet dog Sophie, SEC football and Coca-Cola.