Do You Know the Power of Praying Scripture?
Do You Know the Power of Praying Scripture?
Sweeter Than Honeycomb
Isolation Is Not Your Friend
When You Don't Know You Need What You Need
Awakening Physical Love Before It's Time – A Valentine's Day Musing
Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?
Get Your Hope Back Out!
How Do You Want to Enter 2025?
Resources to Begin Your New Year with or to Use During Your Fast
Asking God What You Are to Fast
Fasting Increases Anointing
Preparing for the New Year
A Different Thanksgiving Musing
Do You Know the Power of Your Testimony?
The Fields Are Ripe. What Are You Doing in Them?
What Are You Doing Tomorrow?
Obeying the Promptings of the Holy Spirit
Leaving Her Water Jug
Seeing God in the Storms…
Giving When It Is Hard
How Does Your Garden Grow?
Permission to Grieve
What if Bigger Storms Come?
Your Father's Sending Off Message
Do You Need An "I Must?"
Are You Being Stolen From?
Redeeming "Our Father"
Rules or Relationship?
Consuming What We Never Thought We Would
Learning the Hard Way
Weeping Over a Willow
Jesus is Coming Back!
Grateful for the Descent
The Gifts in the Quiet
Are You Healing from Your Divorce?
Everything Has a Time
Taking the Mystery Out of Prayer
The Making of a Ministry
How Noisy is Your World Already?
Resisting God's Planting
Warring Through Worship
Jesus Gets the Last Word
Have You Fallen Prey to the Subtle Sin of Self-Sufficiency?
The Power in Remembering…The Tragedy in Forgetting
The Gift in the In-between
Is Your Heart Weary?
Are You a Student of Your Heart?
From The Fish's Mouth
We Have A Speaking God
What Are You Doing With Your "All These Things?"
Have You Landed In Your Disappointment?
God Loves You Enough…
Does God Really See Me?
The Ministry of Being Present
Living The Open-Handed Life
How Often Do We Ask God What His Plan Is?
Making An Agreement With Disappointment
Wake Up, Oh Sleepy Head!
God Speaks Your Language Of Love
There God Goes Again!
Do You Recognize The Enemy's Attacks?
The Extravagant Working of God
A Family Conversation
Are You In Organic Shock?
A Lesson From My Birdfeeder
Did You Know You Can Grieve The Holy Spirit?
Coming Out Of The Inky Darkness
Four Letter Words… Not Fore
Is God Really That Good?
Every Woman Is A Mother To Someone
Are You Being Wooed or Pushed?
The View From The Weeds
Do You Want To Be Well?
Can My Children Make It In This Generation?
The Legend Of The Dogwood
He Leads Me Beside Still Waters
Are We Willing To Miss A Move Of God?
There's A Little Bit Of Morning Outside
What If There Is More To The Holy Spirit?
How To Hear From God – Especially When The Enemy Comes In Like A Flood
Discovering Your Spouse
The Perils of Pickleball
Can God Give Me A Word For My Year?
Processing the Disappointment of the Holidays
It’s All in How You Build
Getting To Heaven Isn't As Easy As We Think
What If There Is A Fire?
The Bigness Of Our God
Satan Has Asked For You…
The Thief of Unforgiveness
Keep Us Alive With Three Square Meals
Oh, That The World Would Be Set Right
Why Do We Start With “Our Father?”
Not “If” You Pray, But “When”
Being Generous In An Expensive World
We Interrupt These Musings Again…
We Interrupt These Musings…
Oh, Those Growing Pains!
What Does Your Heart Do With A Real Enemy?
But What If They Have Hurt Me?
How Good Is Your Word?
How Extreme Are We Willing To Be?
What If Healing That Relationship Depends of You
Committed Murder Lately?
Clear and Present Danger
What Is The One Thing That Will Never Wear Out?
What Does Your Vulnerability Afford Others?
How Good Are You At Hiding?
Why Are You Really Here?
Can You Really Be Too Heavenly-Minded To Be No Earthly Good?
Persecuted and Blessed? How Can It Be?
Do You Want To See God?
What Are You Hungry For?
You’re Gonna Want This Be-Attitude
Can There Be A Blessing In Mourning?
Can Blessing Come From Surrender?
The Faulty Foundation of Fear
The Faulty Foundation of Religion
When Money Takes Wings
When Work Is Our God
When A Relationship Is Your God
What Are You Building On?
Who Is Building You?
An "I Must" for a "New Year"
The Battle for Your Real Home
The Battle for Your Obedience
The Battle for Your Agreement
The Battle for Your Comfort
The Battle for Our Lives
The Battle for Your Offense
The Battle For Your I Must
The Battle for Your Post
The Battle for Your Prayers
The Battle for the Single Heart
The Battle for Your Connection: It's Atari's Fault!
The Battle for Your Child's Heart
The Battle for Your Marriage
The Battle for the Heart of a Woman
The Battle for the Heart of a Man
The Battle for Your Heart
Your Braveheart Moment
Are You Using Your Authority?
Do You Know You Have Authority?
The Privilege of Prayer
Can We Really Pray About Everything?
Destroying the Fortress in You
Defeating that Battle in Your Mind.
Are Your Vital Organs Exposed?
Where Do You Need a Strategy?
Are You Using All of Your Arsenal?
Do You Know the Might of Your God?
Do You Know the Power of Praying Scripture?
Whose Move? Fear or Faith?
Why Did God Make You So Intricately?
But is Evil Really Winning
Who Knew Skipping a Meal Could do so Much?
Worship and the Courthouse
When Terrorists Strike
Worship Your Way to Freedom
Are You Living Under the Umbrella of God’s Protection?
How Do You War for the Hearts of Your Children?
Your Heart Lives in a War Zone. What Weapons Are You Using for Your War?
Do You Even Know What the Enemy Is Stealing From You?
Are You Aware of the Angels All Around?
Do You Even Know the Cosmic Battle in Which You Live?
Just in Case You Forgot, You Are a Conqueror!
The Old Is Going, but Did the New Come? (12/23/2020)
The Lukewarm Church (12/17/2020)
The Faithful Church (12/10/2020)
The Dead Church (12/03/2020)
The Corrupt Church (11/26/2020)
The Compromising Church (11/19/2020)
The Persecuted Church (11/11/2020)
The Loveless Church (11/05/2020)
My Tsunami Dream (10/29/2020)
A Personal Conversation Between Friends (10/22/2020)
Take Heart! Jesus Has Conquered the World! (10/15/2020)
Looking a Lot More Like Egypt… (10/08/2020)
Have You Ever Fully Died? (10/01/2020)
Miracle Mercies (09/24/2020)
Praying Instead of Tweeting (09/17/2020)
Are You Afraid of the Holy Spirit? (09/10/2020)
God Knows How to Get the Best Out of You. Really…. (09/03/2020)
Are You Living in a Divine Interruption? (08/27/2020)
How Weary Are You? (08/20/2020)
Do You Feel Like You're Living in the In-between? (08/13/2020)
Can Anyone Really Heal this Mess? (07/30/2020)
Why are you alive now? Here? (07/30/2020)
Justice and Jesus (07/23/2020)
Pushing Past the Fear (07/16/2020)
The Devil is Real (07/09/2020)
Are We Watching the Signs of the End Times? (07/02/2020)
Who is Your Enemy? (06/25/2020)
What is all this Shaking About? (06/18/2020)
If My People… (06/11/2020)
Pandemics, Protests and Pentecost (06/07/2020)
Are You Trying to Pay a Debt You Can’t Pay? (05/28/2020)
What is Your Wall of Jericho? (05/21/2020)
What is Keeping You From Your Promised Land? (05/14/2020)
God is Always Working Good For His Children…Always (05/07/2020)
Are You My Mama? (04/30/2020)
What Are You Longing For? Now? Today? (04/23/2020)
Have You Made This World Your Home? (04/16/2020)
Finding Purpose in Suffering (04/09/2020)
Do You Need a Resurrection? (04/02/2020)
Do You Need a Miracle? (03/26/2020)
We Need God’s Voice Now – Monday Musings (03/19/2020)
Crisis, Coronavirus and being Christ – Monday Musing (03/16/2020)
Sin Never Revealed the Cost Monday Musing (02/27/2020)
Who’s in Your Family Tree? (02/20/2020)
Do You Bear Fruit that Someone Else Could Pick? (02/13/2020)
Are you in a Wrestling Match with God? (02/06/2020)
Grateful for the Fleas Monday Musings (01/30/2020)
What Might God be Speaking Through Your Dreams? Monday Musings (01/23/2020)
Share Table – Shared Life Monday Musings (01/16/2020)
New Year New Place Monday Musings (01/13/2020)
What's to come in 2020 – Monday Musings
The Hard and the Holy
The New Heaven and the New Earth
The Great White Throne Judgement // A Study of Revelation
The Final Rebellion // A Study of Revelation
The Millennial Reign and What It Means for Believers // A Study of Revelation
The AntiChrist and False Prophet Meet Their Fate // A Study of Revelation
The Rider on the White Horse and the Final War // A Study of Revelation
Can you imagine what the Wedding Feast will be Like? Let’s try… // A Study of Revelation
Babylon has finally fallen – Rejoice! // A Study of Revelation
The World System in the End Times // A Study of Revelation
What is Babylon? // A Study of Revelation
The Final Judgments are here. // A Study of Revelation
Why would God close the sanctuary door? // A Study of Revelation
What are you doing for today's harvest? // A Study of Revelation
Is there really a hell? // A Study of Revelation
A World With War No More // A Study of Revelation
The Mark of the Beast – What is it? Will I recognize it? // A Study of Revelation
The Second Beast -The False Prophet // A Study of Revelation
The Antichrist Wounded Then Healed // A Study of Revelation
The First Beast (Antichrist) // A Study of Revelation
A Picture of Satan's Final Destruction // A Study of Revelation
A Sign in the Heavens – A Parenthesis Begins // A Study of Revelation
The Seventh Trumpet – The 3rd Woe // A Study of Revelation
The Two Witnesses – Who are they – What do they do? // A Study of Revelation
The Angel and the Little Scroll – An Interlude // A Study of Revelation
The 6th Trumpet Judgment // A Study of Revelation
The Fifth Trumpet Judgment // A Study of Revelation
What would silence heaven for half an hour? // A Study of Revelation
144,00 will be sealed. What does that mean? // A Study of Revelation
The Martyr's Justice… // A Study of Revelation
The 7 Seal Judgments Begin // A Study of Revelation
Where did the thought of a Tribulation come from? // A Study of Revelation
Jesus has just stood up. Things are about to change.//A Study in Revelation
Our everyday can hold the same worship as Heaven. // A Study of Revelation
What is the time of the Gentiles? // A Study of Revelation
Some days you just need to know God is still on the throne. // A Study of Revelation
A door in heaven has opened. // A Study of Revelation
Are you an Overcomer? Or is life overcoming you?
We all have a choice, don’t we? // A Study of Revelation
No One Likes a Rebuke
How would God see His Church today?
Have you ever wondered where Jesus stands, literally, in regards to his church?
Ever thought about the sound you'll hear when Jesus comes back? // A Study of Revelation
What if Jesus really is coming back… // A Study of Revelation
Why 7 letters to 7 churches? // A Study of Revelation
How do we know the end is near? // A Study of Revelation
Let not your heart be troubled…Jesus is preparing your home.
The Prince of Peace has come into the chaos of your story.
He knows you by name…no matter what you're walking through.
What are you doing with Jesus' last words?
Holidays highlight brokenness but nothing is impossible with God.
What word has the answer for the direction you need?
What does your Thanksgiving holiday need most?
What do you do when you are praised?
What delivers us from fear?
What are your words first thing in the morning?
Who do you speak up for?
Let's talk about lying.
Would people say you're a good secret keeper?
What God does at the sound of your cry.
Are you a good question asker?
Having an answer before the question's even finished
Would someone call you gentle and gracious?
What's better? A dry piece of bread? Or a feast? You might be surprised by the answer.
Where would a man rather live than with a wife who likes to argue?
Crazy always reveals itself — and so does a fool.
Should you reason with a fool?
What does a fool forfeit?
Let's talk about wisdom and fools.
How do I talk to my friend who is walking in sin?
Faithful are the wounds of a friend. Really?
Why are your plans failing?
Do you really want to be the smartest person in the room?
What if you had the right answer at the right time?
Are you a ponderer or a spewer?
Would you thrust a sword in the heart of someone you love?
Do you know what your angry words actually produce?
Do you have a "holy pause" button?
Worthless words at the wrong time…
The lure of adultery…it starts with a word.
What would Tiffany's charge for words?
Are you a babbling brook? Or deep waters?
Are you listening to your mama?
Who's that yelling in the street?
Back to our regularly scheduled musing: What if you could ask for anything?
We interrupt this regularly scheduled Monday Musing…
Do your words actually determine your reward?
What if there was a word of promise someone you loved never accessed? Would you tell them?
Living vs. Dead, Lie vs. Truth, Diseased vs. Whole – What holds the power to reveal the difference?
Accusation – it can come quick and often. Have you ever thought it has a source?
Is it you alone who controls your words? Or could you actually have help?
Are your words light enough to impact a dark world?
Can Your Words Actually Create?
If your words could start a fire, what kind would it be? Oh yes! This year is all about Words.
Is Your Vindication Moment Waiting On You To No Longer Need Vindication?
What Have You Allowed God To Do In You During Your Greatest Season of Suffering?
When You "Arrive" Who Will Get the Glory — You Or the God In You?
Are You Convinced You've Been Forgotten?
Have You Let Your Pain Rename You?
Can You See Others' Pain in the Middle of Your Own?
Would You Rather Be in a Prison With God Or in a Palace Without Him?
What Does Resisting the Devil Really Look Like, Especially When He Is Relentless?
What is the Price of Favor?
What Will You Do When God's Path Looks Different Than Your Plan?
Fall Heart Tool: Could Envy Be Rotting Your Bones?
Do We Truly Know Where Jealousy Can Lead?
Is There a Right Time to Share Your Dreams?
Are You Prudent or Simple?
Did you know what man means for evil, God can use for good?
What Is Living Out Your Promise Worth?
What Does the Enemy Think About Your Transformation?
What Creates the Atmosphere for Restored Relationships?
Do You Know What God Can Do With Your Desperation?
Mo' Monday Musings – Part 2
Can You Fall Farther Than God's Grace Can Reach?
Are You Reaping What You've Sown?
July Heart Tool: Can You Keep the Peace?
Can God Speak to You in Your Dreams?
What Are You Looking For in a Spouse?
What Will You Do With Your Anger?
Are You Really My Son?
June Heart Tool – What is the Value of Your Words?
What Happens When Your Well Holds No Water?
Do You Think It Has to Be Spiritual to Be Holy?
What Do You Do When the Picture Looks Different?
What Is My Impact…On You?
How Big is Your Faith?
Do We Truly Access the Promises of God?
May Heart Tool – What Do Your Words Really Reveal?
Are You Looking Back?
What Makes a Friend of God?
Is ANYTHING Too Hard for God? Really?
Do You Need the God of Enough or MORE Than Enough?
Are You Trying to "Help God Out"?
April Heart Tool – What If We Knew What God Hated?
Do You Believe God's Promises? Really?
But Is It Good…For Me?
What Could A Unified Church Actually Do?
What Does a Rainbow Really Mean?
What happens when God hears 'Thank You'?
When God asks, what will we do?
Last Monday of the Year
For Our Gracious Partners in Ministry – 2016 A Year in Review
Celebrating Jesus' arrival by the Hope of His Coming!
A Note of Thanksgiving
Video for Pastor's Weekend Experience
Chasing an Experience or Chasing Jesus?
His thoughts are not our thoughts.
12 Baskets Left Over
Do We Trust God Enough to Give?
The Danger of Double Mindedness
The Heart of Our Nation
God can't help Himself
Oh how as a bride You loved me.
Let's talk about marriage.
I AM the Way, the Truth, the Life #7
I AM the Resurrection and the Life
I AM the Good Shepherd #5
Reclaiming Hearts Weekend Experience Promo
I AM the Light of the World
I AM the Bread of Life
Finding God in the Desert
A Faith That Endures
When God Pricks Our Pride
Commencement Address
What is Lost in Unforgiveness
The Power of Our Thoughts
Peculiar is a Good Thing!
Reaching the Next Generation
The Lord's Promises Prove True
The God of the Nations
The Privilege and Power of Fasting
A Few More Thoughts on Those Details
The Detailed Love of God
Message of Reclaiming Your Heart