Love Nashville

What is the one thing that can break down the still prevalent lie of denominational barriers?

Evangelism. True evangelism.

The letter was from a stripper…

Years ago Denise had received a letter from a young stripper who sang songs that Denise and her first husband had written in the club she worked at before it opened, Denise responded to the letter reminding the young woman of her value. And it placed a seed inside of Denise. A seed that came to fruition in 2012.
In an attempt to break down the denominational walls of her own city Denise asked the question. “What does that?” She gave the answer herself. “Evangelism. True evangelism. The kind that gets you dirty and leaves you changed.” With a heart to bring all denominations together and a desire to go into some of the darkest corners of our city, Love Nashville was birthed in the heart of Denise and Joan Evrist.
In multiple yearly initiatives, women from all across the greater Nashville area join together from all different denominations and bring beautiful gifts that will later be taken to strip clubs and adult bookstores in the city of Nashville. To date, this ministry has seen beautiful seed sown and taking root in the hearts and lives of broken women, and in the hearts of the ladies who come together from the churches to put the gifts together as well.
And the stripper from way back then? What happened to her? Well, she is married, and last Denise knew was working in a department store.
Denise says, “When you bring women together to pray and serve women they don’t know, who they probably wouldn’t end up at a dinner party with and you worship together and serve together, well, something happens in the heavenlies. And our city is feeling the impact of it.” Strip clubs are the focus at this season for Love Nashville but there is the belief that many initiatives will be birthed from this ministry.
“I am so glad I went to the LOVE NASHVILLE Mission worship. We packed flip flops and nail polish to take to the women who work in the clubs of Nashville. To show them that they have value and are loved…Simple yet profound message- GOD loves us all!!”

-Love Nashville attendee, Marty Shepherd