
8 Lessons with Denise & Philly Jones


Philly’s powerful lessons he’s learned in regards to each heart while Denise offers the teaching portion of the videos. Great for married groups, women’s groups, or single groups. Much to be learned from both Philly & Denise.

This is the Revised and Updated Version of the former Reclaiming Your Heart: A Journey Back to Laughing, Loving and Living. I taught a lesson years ago called “When a Heart Shuts Down”. After I taught it I said, “If I could only teach one lesson for the rest of my life this would be it.” Because it really is my story. I was so shut-down for so many years. I had lost my voice, my laughter, my dreams. I was a shell of a person. The jolt and trauma of my divorce forced me to confront my dead heart. It was fight for it or die and I wasn’t ready to die. So I fought. Hard. And what came out of that fight was a beautifully alive heart.